Salt lamps can pose danger to pets
By: Ask Dr. LeeQ:My cat Sassy jumps onto my bureau and licks my Himalayan salt lamp. Can that hurt her?
A:Yes. Himalayan salt lamps, with their lovely pink glow, are made of large pieces of pink Himalayan salt.
If Sassy takes only one lick on occasion, she should be fine. But if she licks more than that, she could develop sodium toxicity from the salt.
Excessive sodium pulls water out of the body’s cells. While all organs become dehydrated, the brain is most severely damaged.The most common signs of sodium toxicity are vomiting, lethargy, weakness, disorientation, loss of coordination and behavior changes. In severe cases, the cat may experience seizures, coma or death.
Lee Pickett, V.M.D. practices companion animal medicine. Contact her at